2nd and a half Generation Member in Petaluma #30

Thank you for sharing your history, Greg.

Active member:
Greg Carl, 2 ½ generation
(2nd wave of 2nd generation)

Any offices you held/hold in 20-30?
Greg Carl joined Petaluma #30 in 2015 and is still an Active member. He was Past President 2018-2019 and was Midterm Convention Chair in 2017

Relation, name, and what club were the other members of the family in?
His brother, Guy Carl, was a member of Napa #57 (years 1993-2011). He was the club Past President and served as National Treasurer.

His father, George Carl, was a member of Napa #57 (years 1969-1978) and was the club Past President.

Any other noteworthy accomplishments? Big projects? Fun tidbits?
George Carl founded the Napa Kids Fishing Derby, which ran for 50 years from 1969-2019.


If you are a generational member or know of someone who is, please contact me (I’d love to recognize and feature your history) – mchlspil@gmail.com

From [insert club]
Active member [insert name] is [#] generation. Any offices you held/hold in 20-30?
Relation, name, and what club were the other members of the family in?
Did they hold any offices in 20-30?
Any other noteworthy accomplishments? Big projects? Fun tidbits?
Can I get a photo of active member to use and, if possible, the other family members?
You can be as brief or as descriptive as you would like. Either way, I am looking forward to hearing from all the generational members out there.